Technical Training

Kelly's Technical Training


Managing Multiple Projects, Objectives and Deadlines

Business Writing & Grammar Skills Made Easy and Fun 5/02
The Conference on Web Site Development and Design 5/02
The Hands-On Web Site Workshop 5/02
Windows 2000 Network and Operating System Basics 11/01
A+ Certification – Core Hardware and Operating Systems 10/01
MS Project 2000 10/01
Photoshop Users' Conference
Conflict Management Skills for Women
Coaching and Teambuilding Skills for Managers and Supervisors
Managing Multiple Projects, Objectives and Deadlines
Windows 2000
CGI (Perl)
ASP Advanced 2/01
XML intro 12/00
Dreamweaver 10/00
The Web Development Cylcle 8/00
Introduction to Object Oriented Design 8/00
Photoshop 8/00
ASP 8/00
XML 8/00
Javascript 7/00
Introduction to Macromedia Flash 5/00
Implementing and Supporting MS Exchange Server 5.5 3/00
Design Methodology and Technology 2/00
HTML Fundamentals 1/00
Beginning and Advanced Internet Business Fundamentals 1/00
Networking Fundamentals 1/00
System Administration for Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 11/99
Train the Trainer 6/99
Creating & Configuring a Web Server using MS Internet Information Server 4.0 6/99
Supporting MS Windows NT 4.0 Enterprise Technologies 4/99
Supporting MS Windows NT 4.0 Core 3/99
Internetworking with Microsoft TCP/IP 3/99
Administering Windows NT 4.0 2/99
Networking Essentials 2/99
PC Repair and Troubleshooting 1/99